Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lent is moving along at an unstoppable pace; it will be Easter before we know it. This is a good time to stop and see if Lent is preparing us to celebrate the Triduum in a deeper and more meaningful way. Are we spending more time with our God? Are we reaching out to those who are living in poverty, on the margins, or simply alone? Are we working for the healing of our earth? Are we helping our bodies and minds to be whole and healthy?

Lent began as a forty day retreat in preparation for those about to be baptized. Have we made an effort to remember what it means to be baptized Christians, committed followers of Jesus, people who are conscious of their roles in the world as lovers and beloved of God. Are we going to be able to celebrate the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday, knowing what it means to “do this in remembrance of me”? Are we going to be able to celebrate the Passion of Jesus knowing what it means to offer ourselves for the benefit of others? Are we going to be able to sit in vigil knowing that we have helped to bring light into the darkness of our world?

Lent is a gift, an opportunity to grow and to deepen our relationship with God and with each other. Now is the time to unwrap that gift if we have simply let it sit on the shelf. Open it and relish the new life it offers us. Our God who is gracious and merciful offers us joy and peace as we prepare to celebrate our defining feast of Easter.

May the remaining days of Lent be blessing for each of us.

Sister Pat Klemm, OSF

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