Monday, January 11, 2016

“Let Us Begin Again..”

            St.Francis of Assisi extends this invitation to us:  “Let us begin again” 

    January, the beginning of a new year!  It is a cold month.  We expect it, we dress for it, we take precautions.  This first month of a new year extends to us an invitation to celebrate life, to begin again.  We respond by putting up a new calendar, making resolutions, reconnecting with family and friends, and in some areas of our country we hibernate. 
    In the Franciscan family we turn to our brother Francis of Assisi, who encourages us to “begin again, brothers and sisters, for up till now we have done very little”.    What a blessing it is to be invited to begin anew, to become the person God created us to be.  Beginning again is a risk. It takes courage: to go forward into the unknown, to reach out to welcome the stranger, to take a stand for Justice and Peace, to be open to those who are different from us, to listen with our hearts, to be patient, to surrender our opinion, to seek forgiveness, to face our shortcomings, to trust God ever present with us and within us, to go forward into the unknown with openness and surrender.    At the Last Supper Jesus gave his apostles a special gift:  “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you.”    “This gift was not given for them to hide or hoard, it was meant to empower them to make peace and to spread peace throughout the earth.”                         

…Peacemaking begins when we recognize peace is God’s work.  We are God’s instruments in the process.   

...Peacemaking grows as we live our Franciscan call…and become more conscious of our solidarity will people everywhere and with all creation.                                                                  

…Peacemaking finds expression in our actions as reconcilers of injustice, as stewards of creation and as sharers of God’s peace with others.”  
From:    Announce Peace  (p.4)   A Franciscan Reflection on the Bishop’s Pastoral: The Challenge of Peace

From the words of St. Francis:  

“Let the sisters and brothers be gentle, peaceful and unassuming, mild and humble, speaking respectful to all … in greeting others, let them say, “The Lord give you peace.”
Rule: Chapter 5  Article 20

“The sisters and brothers are called to heal the wounded, to bind up those who are bruised, and to reclaim the erring.” 
Rule: Chapter 9, Article 30

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”     The true peacemakers are those who preserve peace of mind and body for love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, despite what they suffer in the world.”  Admonition XV

“Wherever they are, or wherever they go, throughout the whole world, the brothers or sisters should not be quarrelsome, contentious, or judgmental toward others.  Rather, it should be obvious that they are joyful, good-humored, and happy in the Lord as they ought to be.   And in greeting others, let them say,       “The Lord give you peace.”   Rule Chapter 5, Article 20