Monday, February 23, 2015

Reflection for February 2015  - by Liz Schumacher

            This Lent we may want to reflect upon the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

            How often, when faced with a situation I believe needs a response from me have I undergone a head, heart or gut check and then proceeded headlong into something.  It winds up not working out too well, or not at all, or worse.  During these times there is confusion and at times prolonged confusion, even chaos.  It seems like what is up is down and what is down is up, like Alice 'Through the Looking Glass'.  Nothing makes sense and a completely unwelcomed situation results.  Or, at times my action, despite my great effort, does nothing to change a situation and the situation continues without relief.  I can't make what 'should happen' happen.  I am left simply baffled at what to do, which is terrible to me, as I am a doer.    

            So, in November, I was truly thankful for an awareness that came during a retreat at Graymoor in Garrison, N.Y.  It has given me comfort and renewed trust that God has things well in hand, and that all I need to do is to get out of the way.    

            The subject of the conference was St. Bonaventure's "Tree of Life" reflections, given by Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM an Immaculate Conception friar[1].  The retreat was for Franciscan women and men in initial formation.

[1] Fr. Rick presented from his newly published book Hidden Beauty: Reflections on Saint Bonaventure's Tree of LIfe Lignum Vitae  (Tau Publishing, LLC., Phoenix, Az 2013).